Expierence the Power of IONIC Trace Minerals for Ultimate Wellness

Experience the Power of IONIC TRACE Minerals: Unlock the Benefits & Embrace the Energy

Ionic Trace Minerals contain a full spectrum of over 72 naturally occurring minerals from the Great Salt Lake in Utah.  

These minerals are in a natural ionic (nano) state to help maximize bioavailability, and are made in a process that takes over 2 years using solar evaporation to remove 99.5% of the sodium.

This state of the art process uses no chemicals, dyes or other additives.

Why Minerals Matter: Essential Nutrients for optimal health

Your cells depend on minerals for proper function and structure. They are needed for proper composition of body fluids, the formation of blood and bone, and the maintenance of a healthy nervous system. Like vitamins, many minerals function as coenzymes, enabling the body to perform functions such as energy production, and healing. Because all of your enzyme activities involve minerals, minerals are essential for the proper utilization of vitamins and other nutrients.

Some vitamins can be produced by the body, though most come from the foods you eat; minerals come solely from your diet, you cannot obtain them any other way. You must get enough minerals from your food and water sources or from supplementation in order to achieve optimum health. The average diet is often lacking in critical minerals that can be absorbed and used.

Many minerals function as coenzymes which help the body perform vital functions such as pH balancing, energy production, and healing. They are also needed for regulating and manufacturing of enzymes, amino acids, and hormones. Many bodily functions are dependent on them such as the formation of blood and bone, proper nerve function, and energy production.

  • Overall Health
  • Diabetes
  • Energy Boost
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Leg Cramps
  • Cortisone Shots
  • GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe)
  • Non-GMO / Gluten-Free
  • Non Irradiated / Non-EtO
  • Complies with the U.S. FCC’s heavy metals safety test
  • No artificial colors, preservatives, flavors
  • Manufactured at a cGMP compliant facility

Pure, Natural Ingredients: Unlock the Power of Trace Minerals


Suggested Use: WE RECOMMEND STARTING OFF WITH 5-10 DROPS ONCE OR TWICE DAILY. After a week or more a person can work up to the full dose of 1/2 teaspoon (40 drops) once or twice daily. Mix with liquid (water or juice) or food. Consuming larger amounts of the daily dose all at once may cause a laxative effect. This product has a strong taste.  No Additives, Flavors, or Preservatives.

Replace lost minerals in distilled water, or improve the flavor of deionized or reverse osmosis water by adding 40 drops of minerals to one gallon of water.


Serving Size: 1/2 teaspoon

% Daily Value


Serving Size: 1/2 teaspoon

% Daily Value


280 MG



4 MG



2 MG



800 MG



50 MG



1 MG






1 MG


T- Daily Value not established


SolarSea 110

What are Liquid ICONIC Trace Minerals?

Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals are naturally balanced, full spectrum minerals, harvested from the brine of the north end of the Great Salt Lake, located in Utah. The minerals are produced through a solar evaporation and precipitation process. As the water evaporates, sodium chloride (salt) crystallizes and is removed. Almost all the sodium chloride evaporates first, leaving a very low sodium content, and a high concentration of other minerals.

Liquid Ionic Trace Minerals are economical and easy to use. Studies by the National Institute of Health and other private agencies determine that most people do not reach even 75% of the recommended Daily Value percentages for numerous trace minerals. Keeping a balanced level of minerals and trace minerals in every organ and cell of the body may be a prominent factor in maintaining good health.

Understanding the key differences: Colloidal vs ionic (nano) Minerals

There are two types of liquid mineral products sold on the market. The first type is colloidal, where minerals are suspended in a stable form. In this stable form, the minerals are evenly distributed throughout the liquid in which they are suspended. Minerals in this colloid state are held in large, organized patterns, whereby they remain in suspension without settling out.

Colloidal minerals are not readily absorbed by the body due to the absence of an electrical charge and their relatively large size, unlike other mineral forms. In fact, one definition of a colloid is a substance that when suspended in a liquid phase, will not easily diffuse through a living membrane. Colloid arrangements are unable to pass through the membrane which lines the digestive tract, from the mouth all the way out. It is argued that colloidal mineral forms are more easily dispersed in the body; however, this does not improve their absorption. In fact, it is necessary for the body to break these minerals down into smaller constituents in order for them to be absorbed. Manufacturers claim that supplements made from these colloids are more balanced than other mineral supplements and are in a natural form that is easier for the body to use.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Dietetic Association, no scientific evidence supports these claims. Commercial colloidal mineral products are derived from clay or humic shale deposits and there is a tremendous amount of promotional claims for colloidal mineral products. There is no reliable medical evidence to support using these products. Ionic minerals, on the other hand, are easily transported across the highly selective cell membranes of the human digestive tract. Because ionic minerals are charged, the body has to employ less energy in order to absorb these minerals. Colloidal minerals must be dismantled, into smaller parts, and obtain an electrical charge in order to cross the intestinal membrane. This electrical gradient allows for the easy flow of ionic minerals from an area of higher concentration (intestines) to an area of lesser concentration (cells of the body). The body assists in this process by further charging ions during the course of the digestive process. The body absorbs ionic minerals with greater efficacy than colloidal minerals, as colloids must undergo the complete processes of digestion into smaller charged particles, and even after undergoing these processes; the body utilizes not all of the colloid mineral forms, just as not all foods eaten are completely utilized.

Embrace the Power of Ionic Trace Minerals Today!

Incorporating ionic trace minerals into your daily routine can unlock a world of benefits for your overall health and wellness. Sourced from nature and packed with essential nutrients, our ionic trace minerals are designed to support your body’s functions and help you achieve optimal health. 

Experience the vitality, energy, and balance that only pure ionic trace minerals can provide. Make the choice for a healthier, more vibrant you—embrace the power of ionic trace minerals today!

Empower your health

Boost Your Health with Essential Nutrients.