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Activate Your Healing Energy Every day, our bodies are subjected to a spectrum of energy frequencies, both beneficial and detrimental, that significantly influence our health and overall well-being.

From a scientific perspective, all matter at the subatomic level is comprised of energy resonating at specific frequencies. Research indicates that positive frequency patterns can invigorate cells and enhance their natural functions. Conversely, negative frequency patterns, such as those emitted by cell phones, electromagnetic fields, and microwaves, can be harmful to all forms of life.

Laser-Me offers a unique solution to this challenge. It emits a bespoke blend of over 2,200 positive frequencies that optimize cellular activity. These frequencies are derived exclusively from natural, organic, or herbal sources, creating a symbiotic relationship between technology and nature. The specific combinations of frequencies in Laser-Me have been carefully designed to promote health and alleviate pain for all living things, encompassing both plants and animals.

Compact and painless to use, Laser-Me can yield positive outcomes in mere milliseconds. Small enough to fit in your pocket or purse, it is an accessible tool to help you harness the power of positive frequencies wherever you go.

People Laser-Me energizes water and boosts the energy of food and beverages. It boosts the body's own self-healing mechanism. A marked acceleration of wound healing has been reported. It reduces stress on all levels (physical, etheric, and emotional). Dramatic increases have been reported in the strength and flexibility of the body.
Pets When painful arthritic areas in dogs and cats are lasered, their owners report relief. Just as in humans, wound healing has been observed to be markedly accelerated in dogs and cats. When pets are given food, water, and treats that have been lasered with Laser-Me, they are healthier and have increased energy. Owners of elderly pets comment: "My pet has more energy and is acting like a puppy/kitten again!" Plants Cut flowers that have been lasered have been observed to last three to four times longer than usual. Living plants grow faster and look healthier when treated with water that has been lasered with Laser-Me. People, Pets, And Plants Feel The Difference

Laser-Me Benefits:

Restructures and energizes drinking water

Erases vibrational memory of Geopathic Stress and EMFs in water

Neutralizes electro-magnetic charges in food, including those that are embedded by blenders, juicers and water ionizers

Counteracts the destructive effects of microwave ovens

Boosts inherent positive nutritional frequencies in food

Maximizes the benefits of supplements

Helps counteract toxic side effects of food additives and artificial sweeteners

Helps neutralize the energetic damage of sodas, coffee and energy drinks, cigarettes, and the inherent dangers of the possibility of covid toxicity in our water supply

Laser-Me! The truly amazing laser pocket

There is an electro magnetic field that extends 5 feet around the body. Anytthing that is placed within that 5-foot area produces a positive or negative charge on the patient. There is NO neutral.

A piece of cake was placed within the energy field of the patient and the energy flow to the particular organs were recorded.

Then that same cake – which had been lasered with the Laser-Me device – was placed witin the energy field of the patient and dramatic positive influences to these same organs were recorded

Jim P. Happy Customers Ken L "The laser has worked well on me in so many ways: Major detoxing i.e., sweating profusely, just by drinking lasered water; more energized when I wake up plus really quick wound-healing on a cut. Even gave my 15-year old plant - which was on its last legs - lasered water and it sprang back to life." Susana L "I use the laser on my lunch and my stomach didn't hurt afterwards. It is working." "My feet were mostly red all the time. I experienced pain, burning, uncomfortable prickliness, swelling and numbness. It was hard for me to walk very far and sleep. After treating my feet with the laser once to twice a day, the redness is gone. I'm walking without as much pain and the other symptoms are appreciably better. This is a quite amazing turnaround and the laser is very easy to use." Kristeen A. This little thing is a lifesaver, I've been using it since couple weeks and my health condition improved drastically. I'd like to thank you for this amazing device!”


Empower Your Health

Unleash the Power of Laser-Me Today